07 February 2020

Our President Zeki Demirtaşoğlu said that entering the Latin American Sunday is important for the milling sector and the country's economy. Our President Demirtaşoğlu;"As DESMÜD, we completed the year 2019 with an export of 1 million 800 million dollars. Of course, this is not enough. Our work continues to contribute to our country and we are looking for new Sundays. In this sense, Latin America, where the agricultural industry is the key sector, is very favorable for becoming the new Sunday of Turkish millers. Latin America, which has a very fertile geography in terms of natural resources, is suitable for the production of many agricultural products. The country's soils and climate offer an extraordinary potential, especially for grain production. So Argentina, one of the most important cities of Latin America, is at a very important point in world wheat production. Argentina produces about 140 tons of cereals and oilseeds per year. Having shaken the confidence of investors for a while, Argentina has made quite significant progress in this regard since 2015, developing reforms that encourage investment and exports,”he said.


"Brazil has extensive resources and a solid built-in capacity”


Sunday Sunday, our President Zeki Demirtaşoğlu, who continued his statements by saying that we should produce more added value to our country by entering new markets, said; “In addition to Argentina, Brazil is a competitive player in the world agricultural market. Industrial agriculture, one of the main pillars of the Brazilian economy, corresponds to 30-31 percent of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Brazil is the second largest country in terms of volume and the fifth largest financially in the processed food Sunday, as well as having extensive resources and a solid built-in capacity. In addition, Brazil is expected to meet forty percent of global food demand by 2050. In order to reach this potential, the industrial agricultural sector needs new technologies in food processing in order to remain the world's leading food supplier. At this point, the Turkish milling sector, which is the leader of the world milling sector, should now turn to this geography and make its investment here. Brazil, which devotes 75 million hectares of its territory to agriculture and has an arable area of 8.8 percent, is currently the third largest agricultural producer in the world. We should also establish smart factories on these favorable lands with our machines that have been using Industrie 4.0 for 15 years and that we have produced completely domestically and nationally, and contribute more to the national economy,” he said.