21 October 2019

Our Chairman Zeki Demirtaşoğlu;“I celebrate the October 21st World Journalists' Day of our journalists who sometimes work under very difficult conditions, without saying day and night, to reflect the flow of news and information to the public in a timely and impartial manner, to hold up a mirror to social problems,” he said.


Our President Zeki Demirtaşoğlu published a written message on the occasion of October 21st being the World Journalists' Day.


Our President Demirtaşoğlu used the following statements in his message; “Journalists are undertaking a very important task in order to inform and raise awareness of our people. Members of the press, who contribute to the development of our country in the social, cultural and economic fields, perform their duties under conditions that are not easy at all from time to time. Journalists, who provide information about what is happening in the world by transmitting it to our citizens, are kind of the eyes and ears of society. In this sense; I wish success in their professional lives to all our press members who take care of social consciousness and public interest, work selflessly without caring about long working hours, difficult working conditions and who spend their efforts on sharing developments all over the world with our people on October 21 World Journalists Day.”