06 November 2021

During the visit, Demirtaşoğlu and the accompanying Industrialists briefed Mr. Hasan Büyükdede about the latest developments in the sector, the problems on the Palace industrial estate and the solution proposals. The current export amount of our sector representatives is $ 2.2 billion and the sector is the 100th of our Republic of Turkey.Demirtaşoğlu underlined that he is moving forward with confident steps to 2023, which is the anniversary, and stated that the targets for 2023 are 3.5 Billion dollars.


Demirtaşoğlu expressed his satisfaction that as a result of the consultations held on the problems of the industrialist of the sector as a result of the meetings held with Mr. Varank earlier, a fast way was taken to resolve these issues. Among the topics discussed earlier: Regarding the abolition of customs duty on stainless steel materials used as raw materials and not domestically produced, “There is a 12% Customs Duty on stainless steel Decal finished products manufactured in our country with a width of more than 500mm, and there is no additional customs duty. In addition, customs duties are not applied to stainless steel products with a length and width of less than 500 mm, which are not manufactured in our country. As mentioned, the customs duty applied to protect the domestic manufacturer of stainless steel flat products with a width of over 500mm is assessed by evaluating the sector, not removing this rate, but another rate such as 3% -4% can be reduced.


Regarding the need for intermediate/qualified personnel of the sector and the “Milling Campus" planned to be established in Ankara, the studies to be conducted on the training of personnel for the milling machinery sector, as in other manufacturing sectors, are considered appropriate by the Ministry, but if the preliminary preparatory studies to be conducted by Decmud become clearer, the issue will be closely monitored by the Ministry and the necessary initiatives will be taken by the Ministry of National Education.


Regarding the application of additional customs duty on mill machinery imported from China, the current customs duty on machinery is applied at a rate of 1.7%, and the additional customs duty is applied at a rate of 20%, and it is evaluated by our Ministry that there is no need to increase due to a sector in which we are strong October.


DESMUD President Zeki Demirtaşoğlu said: "They believe that the Export Development Corporation (HDI), established in cooperation with TIM and Eximbank, is a very positive development for the sector and they demand that this formation be put into operation before the end of 2021. Among the general demands of industrialists are "Reducing or Decertifying the obligation to employ disabled personnel due to the inability to find disabled personnel, if there are disabled personnel, they do not want to work because they receive a salary from the state, Incompatibilities of the laws enacted within the scope of Compliance with the occupational safety law and the European Union (KVKK Implementation difficulties, etc.), It was underlined that our industrialists will be further supported in terms of information-document related to these supports regarding the withdrawal of overseas exhibition trip supports.




The existing infrastructure of the regional industrialists, etc.upon this request regarding the problems, Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology Hasan Büyükdede made a speech, “Saray Industrial Zone attracts investors with the many advantages it has, stating that it is a production zone that industrialists want to grow, and such regions with potential have electricity, roads, etc. he gave the good news that they want to solve infrastructure problems urgently, and the “Industrial Zones Reclamation Law” studies, which are currently being worked on and are nearing completion as a project, are the first concrete step in this regard. Thanks to this, the Palace has the potential as an industrial zone, but the road, electricity, etc. he said that the problems related to the solution of some infrastructure problems will disappear.


Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology Mr. Hasan BÜYÜKDEDE, together with DESMUD President Zeki Demirtaşoğlu, had the opportunity to consult one-on-one on the problems of the regional industrialist by conducting on-site examinations for the development of the Saray industrial zone and achieving its long-term goals.


At the end of the negotiations, Zeki Demirtaşoğlu, President of the Association of Mill and Sector Machinery Manufacturers, presented his gifts to Mr. Hasan Büyükdede.