30 September 2020

Our President Zeki Demirtaşoğlu made an assessment about the impact of the pandemic on agriculture and exports. Stating that the agricultural sector is standing firm in the face of the pandemic, Demirtaşoğlu said; “While many sectors experienced stagnation and contraction in the first three quarters of the year, we can say that the agricultural sector is challenging this stagnation and contraction. Together with the pandemic, we have changed our working conditions, but we have never stopped producing. When we look at today, while some sectors are experiencing serious problems, we continue to realize our exports. Our Country; with its geographical structure, climatic conditions and water richness, it has an important potential in terms of agriculture, and we are aware of this. So much so that our Mill Machinery Sector, which implemented Industry 4.0 15 years ago, always makes various savings for such situations. Every sector that adopts professional methods and thinks about tomorrow is standing up today, just as Mill Machinery Sector is standing up in this way and continues its work,”he said.


“We have adopted disciplined work”


Continuing his statements, our Chairman Zeki Demirtaşoğlu said; "We are going through extraordinary periods. This process has deeply affected many sectors, but it has made agriculture even more important. In this process, we have also once again understood the value of safe food and agricultural production. Such extraordinary situations always affect the resources that countries have at their disposal. Unfortunately, many sectors in our country have been severely affected by the pandemic process, but agricultural exports have constantly increased. Of course, there are certain main reasons for this. At the beginning of these reasons, the fact that our country took the necessary measures in time to avoid disruptions in logistics and supply chain legs during the Covid-19 pandemic, the ability to harvest with its own human resources and, of course, people's turning to food more in this process played a major role. However, we have evaluated our current potential very well and we have applied it in every aspect of our production line by adopting disciplined work with the experiences we have received from the past. In this sense, the discipline of the sectors themselves, the continuous operation of the audit mechanisms will allow them to survive in such difficult processes,”he said.