14 May 2020

Stating that a new normalization will be achieved with the Covid-19 process, our President Demirtaşoğlu said; “We are showing an example of a very successful fight against Covid-19 disease, which is a global problem, as a country. Not only that, but as far as we are concerned, we are also providing assistance to countries that do not leave ashes in Malganda in this troubled time. We are sending our air ambulances to all over the world and we are making an effort to get rid of this disease in a way for the world. These Decrees will be taken lightly, not services that will be ignored. While these aids once again show how strong a state we are, we will also have more to say in the new world order that will be formed after the epidemic. Turkey will now impose longer sentences and be more prominent,”he said.


Our Chairman, who continued his words by saying that the Turkish Industry has done its part so far, it will continue to do it after that; “The Turkish Industry, which has been constantly moving from the past to the present, will gain a new momentum after the epidemic process and maybe break its shell, which it did not dare to break before, during this time. Turkish Industry and Turkish Industrialists will take more part in the new world order and will continue to contribute to our country in terms of added value,”he said.